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Old 04-15-2016, 10:30 PM
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Raymond 'Robbie' Culpepper
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Originally Posted by sbfinley View Post
I'm sure Josh and Dustin, who seemingly defended the viewpoint, are great guys, but you cannot walk into a forum full of passionate baseball fans with such an ill-conceived argument and not expect to be the nail. The opposing viewpoint is very clear: Jackie wasn't Babe F'n Ruth. Yet, after plenty of evidence that backed up his induction not only by the monumental importance of his accomplishments, but also by his statistical achievements they continual circled the path of the debate and his merits to the color of his skin. The statement in the opening post: "His induction seems like a charity case to me" is horrific and an insult to not only the thousands of minority ballplayers who followed him at all levels of professional baseball, but also the thousands before him who were never graced the privilege of staking a major league diamond because of something as pathetically trivial as the color of there skin. I would pray that the family of the man being debated here would never suffer the indignity of hearing him labeled a "charity case" being as he earned more on one April in 1947 than any of use will earn in a lifetime. No, today is not the day to "debate" him. The point of this day is to educate people about the importance of his life and others through celebrating him. A debate of his merits is embarrassing to witness. If it takes hammering someone to make this evident, I'm for it. I won't hold this debate against anyone foolish enough to consider Jackie Robinson unworthy of any praise he has ever been bestowed, but I will also applaud anyone who will fight against him being marginalized in any way.

Steven Finley


Well said Steven! I hesitated contributing to this thread at all, since the very thought of debating the merit of Jackie Robinson's enshrinement so repulsed me.

However, your statements along with many others make clear the high esteem we all hold him in.

In starting this thread, the 'author' ignited a fire of support that might otherwise not have shown up to the degree it has. However, his very thought of questioning Jackie Robinson certainly deserves no praise even if he thinks he's a braver person for having done so.

It's not about political correctness ; it's about respect...and He most certainly earned that! - more than any other athlete I can think of.

Sometimes it is just better to keep such thoughts to yourself.
"A life is not important except in the impact it has on others lives" - Jackie Robinson

“If you have a chance to make life better for others and fail to do so, you are wasting your time on this earth.”- Roberto Clemente
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