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Old 04-10-2016, 04:10 PM
sjim8660 sjim8660 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 23

Originally Posted by 53Browns View Post
The article is a joke. It claims baseball WAS America's most popular sport. It's the NATIONAL PASTIME!!! Baseball has brought us through world wars and the great depression! Football is a fad. Done.

And getting back on topic, I agree, this belong in the HOF.
While I don't think that Football is a "fad", I do agree Baseball is a more pure and unmolested sport. Baseball really has not changed nearly as much as Football has in the past 20 years. It's also safe to say that 20 years from now Baseball will still be steadily doing its thing and Football could be something resembling two hand touch. There is a reason Baseball cards outsell every other type of cards in this hobby, rich heritage. I also think due to the health concerns that come with playing Football we will see more athletes come back to Baseball, just look at the pro Football players who are retiring early. The experience of going to a MLB game compared to an NFL game is night and day. I have been to several of both and I do NOT take my kids to NFL games. I do take them to MLB games. Back to the topic, no way that contract is worth $36 Mill. It is still a Baseball contract and I don't think it is as significant as documents that helped to establish our country. Baseball is great and Jackie was a pioneer but to compare it to something Lincoln did? I don't know about all that.

-James Steele
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