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Old 02-06-2016, 02:21 AM
dhernandez dhernandez is offline
David Hernandez
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Victorville, CA
Posts: 47
Default Shilling just 1 of many problems in Houses

Originally Posted by WindyCityGameUsed View Post
The majority of change IMO will have to come at the hands of the FBI (who do by the way watch these forums) because these Turds will not be stopping on their own.

Their is 2 much $$$ at stake and the level of greed is 2 great 4 the powers that be 2 change on their own since Bill Mastro apparently was the baby daddy industry model for the bad behavior employed industry wide (Doctored cards, created/fake GU, shilling)

Nothing is given without U fighting for it and at this point its more about standing up for whats rite until the authorities take further action.

I personally try to avoid auctions when sourcing my GU after being shilled in probably every 1 I've ever participated in.

The surface has only been scratched here shilling is easier for the FBI 2 bust unlike the wave of created/fake GU or spec correct never worn passed off as GU sold in just about every auction I've ever looked at.

With all the companies running auctions on such a frequent basis does anyone truly believe that there is that much real quality items out there that aren't buried in someones collection?

Outright fake & misrepresented shit is as much apart of the hobby as shilling

Ron Kosiewicz
Ron makes a very valid point in that shilling is not the only problem area with auction houses. He addresses "outright fakes and misrepresentation items" in which I would agree that this is actually worse than shilling. For example if I was a Art Auction house and was offering a Monet original art piece and I knew the piece was a forgery, is that not worse than fake bidding it up?