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Old 01-12-2016, 06:27 PM
dgo71 dgo71 is offline
Derek 0u3ll3tt3
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Originally Posted by chaddurbin View Post
Cobb was a raging racist, ruth a womanizer, mantle was a buys you privilege. I dont look at pro athletes to uphold our moral virtues.
It's not about morality, it's about the fact that his numbers are forever in question because nobody can ever definitively know what part of his stats came from cheating and what came honestly. That's it. All the "well, he didn't start until..." and "he'd be a HOFer anyway..." arguements don't matter because not one person with those arguements is any more confident in Bonds' career than the writers, and there will never be a way to prove it. Giving someone the absolute highest honor when they didn't come by it fairly is not just condoning cheating, it's basically saying there's no need for rules at all. Nobody makes a fuss when Olympians have their medals stripped for the same offenses, Bonds had nothing taken away from him. He's just not getting anything extra either.

BTW, Cobb being racist in a period of our history that was predominated by racists, and Ruth womanizing and Mantle drinking when those two things are still rampant today, none of those qualities changed the stats those men put up on the field. The same can't be said for Bonds' actions.

Last edited by dgo71; 01-12-2016 at 06:28 PM.
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