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Old 12-06-2015, 02:12 PM
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Topps206 Topps206 is offline
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Originally Posted by SAllen2556 View Post
Fear does indeed drive the pro-gun crowd.

Fear of history repeating itself - take away the guns to more easily control the populous, as has happened throughout history. I would remind you that most people throughout history have not lived in freedom. The US is very unique.

Fear of the slippery slope. Ban assault rifles and what's next? The anti-gun crowd will not be satisfied with just a ban on assault rifles, they never have.

Fear of the Left who, inadvertently, limit freedom through attempts at doing what's best for all: health care, taxes, business regulations, education, welfare, and hell, even school lunches.

You can't legislate against evil. I hold no ill will toward the do-gooders, but they're terribly misguided in believing that they'll ever prevent evil from occurring. Assault weapons exist - the technology is here. You can't eliminate them any more than you can eliminate abortion or drugs.

We make people take classes and pass tests before they get behind the wheel of a car, maybe we can beef up the tests, I don't know. Better technology on the guns perhaps? Some way to prevent anyone but the owner of the gun from being able to use it?

I'm much more interested in the psychology of these people. What's in their heads? How did they become so screwed up? How do we find these people before they commit these evil acts?
Something has to change. You cannot keep things the way they are. Gun sales might spike, but they're not a deterrent, just like capital punishment doesn't stop murder in red states.

I feel that the notion of freedom in the United States is merely a mirage. If American supported freedom, they'd find alternative energy sources and not rely on Saudi Arabia, which has suppressed the freedoms of its citizens and committed numerous atrocities in human history. If we were for freedom, we didn't show it when we intervened in Latin American countries, ousted their leaders and supported dictators because it would help our own interests.

The right wants to lecture me on the Constitution, on the Second Amendment, well, allow me to lecture them on other aspects of Constitutional law.

.The religious freedom clause applies to people of all faiths, not just Christians. You have no legal or moral jurisdiction to ban Islam and to profile Muslims in this country.

.There is a separation of church and state in our Constitution. Those words verbatim are not mentioned, but it is implied. The freedom to practice any religion, or none at all. One cannot encroach on the other.

.Conservatives love the Constitution so much that they have discussed repealing the 14th amendment.

.Also repealing the 16th.

.Also repealing the 17th.

.No religious test shall be administered for office, yet it is on the books in certain state constitutions that an atheist like myself cannot run for office. Thankfully, I don't live in any of these states.

.Christianity is not established in our Constitution as a national religion, nor is this a Christian nation. There are more Christians here than any other faith, but it's not the official religion despite recent data indicating that conservatives are willing to scrap the First Amendment and turn this into a theocratic regime.

I understand that my anti-gun position is not popular with many. My point is that people on the right bring up the Second Amendment, yet they pick and they choose which parts of the Constitution they like to suit their narrative. They claim to love freedom, they claim to love the Constitution, yet I notice inconsistencies on their end.
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