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Old 10-18-2015, 08:25 AM
1952boyntoncollector 1952boyntoncollector is offline liebe.rman
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Originally Posted by mintacular View Post
Yes it is. Just bear in mind that it is very time consuming and temper your expectations. Also, consider the fees/shipping involved when reselling, this makes it more difficult to make profits. Lastly, you have to be real knowledgeable about condition and prices, etc. or you could end of losing $ on your venture.

All and all, for the time spent you'd probably make more $ considering the time involved flipping burgers on the side, but of course that's not as enjoyable
right..funny how money is fought for every dollar from sellers when they say 'cant sell for x, cause paid x" basically they can hold off a deal for years until they make 5 dollars....they cant lose a dollar......though in the real world they are really losing money on opportunity cost and making no interest on the money they could of gotten....I like to pay what cards would go between the market price numbers low and high (depending on condition for grade) for which a card would go for in a month or so ...I really dont care what the seller paid for the card..its not like the seller would sell a card for 1 dollar if the seller got the card for free.....

...if about money flipping burgers would be FAAR better...but its more of a fun/hobby/keeping score matter

Last edited by 1952boyntoncollector; 10-18-2015 at 08:27 AM.
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