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Old 08-16-2015, 09:23 AM
lug-nut lug-nut is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: So Cal
Posts: 725
Default A little disappointment rant

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So I'm done with LOTG auctions and I know several of the members love them and I hoped to as well based on past positive posts about them. well, I'm disappointed in their latest auction decision. I'll try to be brief.

Auction closes on Aug 9th, I win an item on Aug 9th, I pay for my item on Aug 10th. On Aug 12th, I get an email stating that there will be a delay in shipping items since they are going to a local show to get some consignments for their next auction. How about completing this auction before worrying about the next auction?

This tells me one thing: LOTG cares more about their future customers and consignment fees than their current customers who helped make them bank on their auction. I gave them a whole week of delivery days to see if I was over reacting but nothing, no item and no shipping update email. Who knows when I'll see my item? I know I don't.

If they had stated in their email that shipping and handling charges would be credited by 20%, 10% or even 5% then I would say "at least they know it wasn't ok" but no, nothing...

I plan to participate ZERO more times in any of their auctions. I wish the best of luck to those that will continue to support them, but I think this was a bad decision on their part. Maybe hire a couple of family members to help out, it's not like they weren't given any notice of the show...poor planning on their part shouldn't effect any customer paying hundreds or thousands of dollars for an item.

Im done, thanks for listening.
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