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Old 08-12-2015, 02:20 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: CT
Posts: 6,201

I leave feedback in bulk, usually a couple times a week. I usually have no idea if they have left feedback for me already, nor do I worry about it.

On the other hand, I'm not sure why buyers even worry about if they get feedback or not. It means absolutely nothing to them. If you are a buyer only, you will always have 100%. I guess it helps even out your feedback % if you are both a buyer and seller on the same account.

It annoys me a little bit when it seems like only 20% of buyers actually leave feedback for you, but then when I went to leave about 40 feedback as a buyer the other day, it was a big pain in the ass.

There's no way to bulk upload the feedback. You have to copy and paste all your responses, then there's the stars you have to leave. Takes up a buttload of time. Then to top it off, the feedback tool gave me a big fat error when I went to submit, and I had to redo them all over again.

Ebay has turned into glitch central the last year or so. They've somehow turned the phrase "Keep it simple, stupid", into "Keep it stupid, simple".

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