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Old 07-18-2015, 09:27 AM
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TanksAndSpartans TanksAndSpartans is offline
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Thanks guys!

Mike, thanks for bringing some of those players to life - many of them were just names to me. I always enjoy reading about them. And nice George Wilson card - pretty cool how they mention Wilson’s Wildcats - I understand that to be a reference to L.A.’s entry in the Pyle/Grange AFL for the 26 season.

Jeff, awesome items! Thanks for the Friedman back - having read his bio, I know Bennie Oosterbaan was his teammate and primary target for his passes at Michigan, so I’m guessing the formation mentioned is a reference to him - although no idea what the formation is or exactly what it says. And referencing Nebraska rather than Michigan - that’s a bad mistake

I wonder if the Friedman card was printed after the Wilson because the Wilson card mentions the 25 season as the most recent, but the Friedman card I’m not sure as it mentions both 25 and 26. If the card is from prior to the 26 season, that would make it an undergraduate card of Friedman as he joined the pros (Cleveland Bulldogs) in 27.

Love the Lions items - lots of former Spartans in the mix. I always felt bad Father Lumpkin wasn’t on that team, but I see Presnell, Clark, Gutowsky, G. Christensen, Emerson, and Randolph all there. Any idea where it was taken? - looks like a rooftop - wonder if it was inside a stadium…..

Last edited by TanksAndSpartans; 07-18-2015 at 09:35 AM.
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