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Old 07-13-2015, 03:43 PM
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SAllen2556 SAllen2556 is offline
Scott All.en
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Detroit
Posts: 614

There's historical reasons. One of the first things, historically, tyrants have done is to disarm the populace (See Hitler, Adolf, and Stalin, Josef). For many, it's the "slippery slope" argument. Ban one type of gun and it makes it easier to ban all of them.

The second amendment clearly allows the right of citizens to bear arms. Again, the "slippery slope". Take away even a portion of that right and many believe it will lead to government taking away other rights, such as free speech.

Agree or not, but that's what many people, even those who don't own an assault rifle, believe. It's what I believe and I do not own an assault rifle.

The United States is a very unique country in the history of the world. I would respectfully recommend you do some reading on the founding of the nation and why the Bill of Rights was included in the Constitution. The Founders feared that government would become too powerful and did everything they could to limit the powers of government in hopes that we would not turn into the same monarchy they fought to separate from.

If they were around today, do you think they would agree they succeeded? I wonder!
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