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Old 06-10-2015, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Laxcat View Post
I know nothing to little about pre war. That Mantle has been giving me the willies since the get go. After reading the later posts I thought; Okay, maybe this guy had them cleaned and they are now effed.

After reading his latest reply I now have this question: if he is 85 years old and he hoarded cards as a kid, isn't Jim Brown's rookie in '58? So the earliest he could have started "hoarding as a kid" of that card he was 28?

Add the fact that the Mantle has paper over the one part where there would be some sort of reprint/facsimile notification.

Do I believe it for one second?

Delusions of Granduer? Yes

That Mantle being real? No way.

Matthew Charlton
The guy has given too many stories.
Leon Luckey
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