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Old 05-06-2015, 06:33 PM
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TanksAndSpartans TanksAndSpartans is offline
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Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 795

Great idea Jeff!

Mine are:

1.) Portsmouth Spartans and Ironton Tanks uniforms (or at least jerseys). I’m not a game used collector or anything like that - I’ve just read a lot about these teams and wonder what they looked like. I’ve seen black and white photos, online uniform databases etc. and in my head I think 49ers/Vikings, but it would be great to see one if either still exists….

2.) An item (card or unopened pack) from the find reported in a PSA article as:

“Veteran football card dealer Joe Colabella shares similar sentiments. "There was never that much real supply, mainly because baseball was the predominant sport," he said. A reported find of these cards occurred in the '70s. "Part of the find came out of Oklahoma, the Oklahoma City area. The other part came out of Pennsylvania and they were unopened packs," said Colabella, noting that he has heard that at least three Chicle boxes were uncovered.”

If you just read it quickly, it implies that the 3 boxes added to the supply, but if you think about it logically (unless I’m missing something) given each pack had 1 card and 1 stick of gum, wouldn’t any cards obtained from a find in the 70s have been damaged pretty significantly by the gum? And why haven’t I ever been able to find anything mentioning these finds even when searching AH historical databases? Were these real finds? (not questioning Joe's veracity, but what if this was just something he heard? We don't know any details.)

3.) 35 Chicle original artwork (we’ve seen the Caddel so far, but shouldn’t there be more?)

Last edited by TanksAndSpartans; 05-06-2015 at 06:40 PM.
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