Thread: Cards on Boxesj
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Old 04-12-2015, 08:47 PM
Kenmarks Kenmarks is online now
Ken Marks
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: California
Posts: 126

David W--You may already be all over this, but thought I would mention just in case given a couple of things I noticed related to your Jello Box of Bob Gibson. In the Spring 1983 edition of Baseball Cards magazine, there is an article that allows someone to cut out a portion of the magazine (page 66) and construct their own Gibson Jello box. While with careful and detailed effort, one could put together a pretty good looking box, those "magazine boxes" do have several tell-tale traits. The picture of Gibson in the magazine was noticeably faded. Also the Jello flavor in the magazine was Lemon (Gibson appeared on two other large Jello boxes in the 63 Jello issue--Raspberry and Black Cherry). Your box contains both of these red flags. Of course that does not absolutely make it coming from the magazine. But what else is worrisome in looking at the picture you posted is that the paper portion of the card that is attached to the cardboard appears to not be flat, but raised up in several areas that do not appear to be creases. Pasting the magazine cutout to a cardboard backing was a big challenge back then in putting a box together. Again, does not mean not original as it is tough to tell over the internet from the picture, but just wanted to give you a heads up.
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