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Old 02-02-2015, 09:02 AM
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Tony Ooten
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Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
If they would have caught that ball instead, all you would be hearing about this morning is “The Catch.” Instead, they’re calling it the worst play call ever.

You only need to look at the end of the first half to see another play call equally as bad. With six seconds to go in the half, they opted to go for the TD instead of kicking the field goal (and they would have got the ball to start the second half). Sure, it worked out, but if it hadn’t you would have been hearing about the OTHER bad play call. Why aren’t the Seahawks fans talking about that decision to go for the TD instead of the FG? Because the TD decision worked out. And if Wilson had thrown a TD instead of an interception, there would be no second guessing the play call afterwards because it would have worked out.
Great point - what a gutsy call that was at the end of the first half and Carroll will get few props for it.

I thought Pete Carroll's explanation right after the game was a good one. (paraphrasing "we didn't have a good personnel matchup, we thought it was a safe play, we were ready to run on 3rd and 4th down"

The kid from New England just made a great play. Browner certainly played it correctly, and apparently New England's prep for that exact play call paid off.

Congrats to the Patriots and I thought it was a terrific game.
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