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Old 01-26-2015, 06:47 PM
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Dave Johnson
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Nebraska
Posts: 964
Default Another couple random items - real or reprint?

Again, thanks for looking at a couple more items. The members here have so far been exceedingly friendly and helpful in me determining what a few items are.

Here are two things I am just not sure about. The coloring on the Mack appears no quite correct and the back of the card printing looks a little thick to be the real thing (the font of the patent date and related wording for example) However there is a crease in this that is fairly light, so asking opinions here.

The other item I have no idea what it is, what it is from, etc, the paper is very thin, but it almost looks to be in too good of shape.

ANY help or opinions are appreciated.

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