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Old 01-26-2015, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by FenwayFaithful View Post
So often? Please tell me what you're referring to besides the Spygate issue.

They were filming something out in the wide open for anyone to see. Every person in the stadium could see those signals being given by the coach. The severe penalty wasn't because of the infraction itself. It was because they continued to do it after a memo went out to all teams by the league in 2006 telling them to stop filming coaches' signals. They were wrong for that and were punished accordingly. They won those SBs because they had dominant defenses, a HOF coach, and a HOF QB. You can't get a competitive advantage when other teams are doing what you're doing but just in a slightly less convenient way (have a scout in the stands or press box taking notes with pen and paper of the coaches' signals, which once again, are available to anyone in the stadium). There's a reason why the league passed a rule that allowed defensive players to have audio communication with their coaches via their helmets. Stealing signals was part of the game (and probably still is to a degree to this day), as has been acknowledged by many NFL coaches (see below for a couple examples).

Funny how you mention teams that were successful and "None of those teams received the negative reaction of the Pats. It's the cheating, not the winning." Let's see here:

70's Steelers - Rampant steroid use

Broncos - Circumventing the salary cap during the late Elway years when they won 2 SBs; taping part of a 49ers walk-through practice in London in 2010

Late 90's 49ers - Circumventing the salary cap

90's Cowboys - Jimmy Johnson has admitted that videotaping coaches' signals was common practice and something he did although he felt it didn't help him at all.

2006 Colts - pumping artificial crowd noise into the stadium when the Patriots were on offense during the 2006 AFC Championship game

Steelers - Cowher: “Stealing someone’s signals was a part of the game and everybody attempted to do that. We had people that always tried to steal signals,” said Cowher, whose 2004 team won 16 consecutive games before losing to the Patriots in the AFC title game. “What happened when we lost that game is they outplayed us. It had nothing to do with stealing signals or cheating or anything else.”

I could list many more things, but I think that'll do.

Oh, and then there's this re: "DeflateGate" from Mike Florio today:

"But what has the NFL really found? As one league source has explained it to PFT, the football intercepted by Colts linebacker D’Qwell Jackson was roughly two pounds under the 12.5 PSI minimum. The other 10 balls that reportedly were two pounds under may have been, as the source explained it, closer to one pound below 12.5 PSI."

So looks like Chris Mortensen's report may be wrong, just like the report about Jackson being one who noticed the ball was deflated. Sports journalism in this country is at an all-time low. If they were indeed closer to 1 PSI below the 12.5 minimum requirement, Belichick's explanation he gave yesterday is certainly plausible. If it's proven they intentionally deflated the footballs, then they should be punished accordingly.

But hey, great job jumping to conclusions before having all of the facts by all of the ignorant people here. Bravo.
This is exactly what I'm talking about, delusional Patriots fan. You really don't understand the difference between watching signs and being able to film them, having a permanent record which you can used to figure out all their defenses? You can claim that it was dominant defense, but when you know what the other team is doing it is a huge advantage, it is cheating and is a major reason why the Pats won those 3 SBs. Fact, the Pats are the only SB champion to be sanctioned for cheating. You can try to justify it all you want, but the Pats are cheaters. They were cheating 2001-07 and they are still cheating today.

You complain about us discussing what the nfl has leaked. We can still discuss this and change our opinion if new info comes out. However, your mind is already closed. No matter what the nfl decides, you are going to try to argue away the fact that the Pats are cheaters. 7 years later you are still trying to argue away Spygate
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