Thread: January Pickups
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Old 01-05-2015, 04:27 PM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
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Default Bob Feller and Eddie Smith photo 1990

I wanted to thank net54 good guy member Bruce Garland for sending me a neat candid photo that was taken in 1990 of pitchers Bob Feller and Eddie Smith. The two of them were at a show in NJ which paired Feller and opposing starting pitcher in his historic Opening Day no-hitter in 1940 (50th anniversary year of the OD no-no).

Bruce and friends were at the show to help NJ resident Eddie Smith (nickname Gorby). "Gorby" Smith had an interesting career from 1936-1947 (interrupted for 2 years during WWII). In addition to being the LP to Feller's opening day no-hitter, he also gave up the very first hit in Joe DiMaggio's 56 game hitting streak in 1941 as well as being the winning pitcher in the 1941 All Star game. Gorby was known as a Yankees killer and amazingly got nearly 2/3 of his ML victories at the hand of the Bronx Bombers.

A very nice gesture indeed from Bruce! I'm happy to add it to my advanced no-hitter collection.

Last edited by Scott Garner; 01-05-2015 at 04:29 PM.
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