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Old 12-15-2014, 11:45 AM
tedzan tedzan is offline
Ted Zanidakis
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pennsylvania & Maine
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Default Hey Steve

Originally Posted by EvilKing00 View Post
Hey ted, interesting. Never realized he was on mon at the time of the print. But the red name... Why red when everyone else was yellow? Every hanford name is red so it was structured
So, the Handford card "still bothers" you, "with the red background".

Well, let me try to explain this anomaly in the printing of these twelve T205 Minor League cards. OK, this is my theory, however the circumstances are as such that I feel it warrants merit.

Most knowledgeable T205 collectors believe that the T205 Minor Leaguers were printed and issued in late 1911 (or 1912). The basis for this timeline is in the bios of 8 of these 12 subjects.
I agree with their issued timeline. But, here is the printing situation as I see it......

The fronts of these 12 cards were printed very early in 1911 when American Litho designed, printed, and issued their T80 Military Series (Feb. 1911). It's obvious from the similar stylistic
designs, the same artist created the Military Series and these T205 Minor Leaguers. For unknown reasons, sheets of these pre-printed fronts of the Minor Leaguers were then shelved until
very late in 1911, when the bios of these 12 guys were printed on the backs of these cards.

Therefore Steve, having said all that, to address your concern regarding the Hanford card..I'm showing several examples of the cards from my T80 set. Many of them have a Yellow name
box, some have a Red name box, some have a light Blue name box. My point here is that American Litho. probably printed up more than 12 Minor Leaguer's (which like the T80 cards had
Yellow, Red, Blue name boxes). How many more than 12 ? We will probably never find out. So, they finally selected the 12 we know; and, one of them happens to have a Red name box.


Last edited by tedzan; 12-13-2019 at 02:36 PM. Reason: Added imageevent scans.
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