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Old 10-08-2014, 05:58 AM
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pete ullman
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: saint paul, mn
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Originally Posted by glynparson View Post
I have not heard one person complaining about people driving on prescription drugs which actually impair a driver considerably more than cannabis does. I hear lots of opinion, see very little facts from the contingent that is advocating the continued prohibition. Pharmaceutical Drugs prescribed by doctors legally kill many americans daily just through accidental overdose. Cannabis has killed 0 people due to overdose. Violence due to its illegal status is more likely to impact an innocent person than getting stoned from second hand smoke outside when it is illegal to smoke it in public. Not seeing the big call for making the world a Grateful Dead concert. Like I said previously, and my friends in Denver have confirmed, these homeless were homeless prior to the legalization .They just came to Denver, many are nomadic Rainbow gathering style people. They are not homeless because of weed but they are in Colorado because of legal weed. When it starts getting cold they will migrate somewhere else and some will be back when the weather changes. As for the gateway argument again studies have debunked this myth, alcohol and prescription drugs have in fact been proven to be true gateway drugs. As I stated above I was prescribed cannabis and it helped me greatly. I am thankful to the doctor that prescribed it and do not really care if those that do not like it think less of me. I think others should be afforded the same opportunity I was. Lets let doctors prescribe medicine as they see fit. I have no medical degree nor do I pretend to have one. Let's get science from scientists, medical opinions from doctors and nurses, and education from teachers, seems logical to me.
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