Thread: A health update
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Old 09-26-2014, 08:24 PM
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71buc 71buc is offline
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Josh, last year a close friend of mine underwent the same treatment program. At 48 suffered a stroke and both kidneys failed him. He was a minor league player for 7 years and then major league scout for 20 more. He could no longer handle the rigors of travel and despite his passion for his job he had to walk away from the life he loved. He remained positive and was never angry about his plight. I was moved by his strength and honored by his friendship.

The following month my 20 year old daughter was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive bone cancer. She faced 171 days of inpatient chemo and had the middle third of her leg surgically removed and replaced by metal and an artificial joint. She suffered with brutal mouth sores, total hair loss, a heart catheter, and a serious infection secondary to a bug bite that resulted in a 5 day inpatient stay in the cardiac critical care unit. She was an absolute warrior. Her strength courage and positive attitude were inspiring. I have never been more impressed or proud of her. I raised my children with the message that any fool can shine when the sun is out. Those who can do it at life's darkest hour are special. My little girl faced death and shined like a super nova. She never cried, or said how unfair life was. I cannot begin to say how proud I am to be her father.

The reason I am sharing this with you is because I want you to know that you are correct life is beautiful and precious. Hope, love, prayer and a positive attitude will get you through this nightmare. My daughter won her battle with cancer and is back to work and is radiant as ever. My friend got a new kidney and is doing great in his new career and very much in love with his new wife. Tell your sister she is wonderful and heroic. The world needs more people like her.

Shine on Josh!


Last edited by 71buc; 09-27-2014 at 07:09 AM.
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