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Old 09-23-2014, 01:58 PM
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D. Bergin D. Bergin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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The voting for that season was really odd to me. It wasn't even Eck's best year.

I doubt he wins the MVP OR the Cy Young in today's climate of voting.

Just a cursory glance at the stats, I'd give the MVP to either Puckett or Frank Thomas and the Cy Young to either Clemens or Mussina.

I think modern statistical analysis since Eck's days have made it nearly impossible for a reliever to win the MVP. Just look at Mariano. Arguably the greatest Fireman of all-time, and he has "0" Cy Youngs (never really came close if you look at the voting), and never even was in the running for MVP..........even as a Yankee fan I have no problem with that.

DH, I prefer that over the pitcher hitting myself, but I'd be absolutely shocked if one ever came close.

Hell, Miguel Cabrera nearly won two Triple Crowns in a row, and was thrown under the bus by many critics for merely being a pretty serviceable 3rd Baseman. Now that he moved to 1st, he might never be in the conversation again.
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