Thread: August Pickups
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Old 08-15-2014, 11:41 PM
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MattyC MattyC is offline
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Thanks! Glad you are digging the latest additions. Just copped these bad boys on my now-nightly ebay treasure hunt for low-mid grade centered cards...

The 63 Mick will tap down in holder and look great; don't know why more seller scans aren't made sure to be flush with the bottom of the holder. But it's good for those of us who scrutinize such scans and realize it's not tilt but the scan. At first I was going to pass on it because I mistakenly thought I could find better centering, but then I looked at all the 4s and 5s on VCP and completed ebay sales and quickly realized this is about as good as it gets; these Micks are pretty hard to find centered, that's for sure.

The Ford is just such an awesome photo!

Last edited by MattyC; 08-15-2014 at 11:44 PM.
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