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Old 08-07-2014, 09:41 PM
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David Ru.dd Cycl.eback
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 3,474

On these types of things, take a 20x+ loupe or magnifying glass and examine the text. If the edge of the text has a thin dark rim around the edge, that is consistent with vintage letterpress printing. Without going into the print technicals, vintage letterpress involving pressing the ink so that there would be a dark rim at the edge where the ink was pressed to. The rim is not seen with the naked eye, but is usually clear under good magnification. Modern lithography and computer prints won't have the rim.

Simpler things to look for are that antique prints (and photos) tend to be bone dry and often pass the musty smell test.

Last edited by drcy; 08-07-2014 at 09:46 PM.
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