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Old 08-04-2014, 09:47 AM
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Gary Dunaier Gary Dunaier is offline
"Thumbs Down Guy"
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 785

Three things stand out in my mind from Boyd and Harris:

I don't remember who, but there were, I think, three players who Boyd and Harris said 'should never ever be allowed out of the house without their mothers.'

In the introduction, they talk about interviewing Sy Berger and mention that he was on a water diet. They quote him as saying something to the effect that he's even gotten to like the stuff.

And at the end of the introduction, they made this sobering comment (paraphrased): 'Please don't write and tell us how even the worst player in this book is 100 times better than either of us. We know. We tried.'
The GIF of me making the gesture seen 'round the world has been viewed over 375 million times!
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