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Old 08-02-2014, 09:30 AM
SMPEP SMPEP is offline
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 880
Default Huh?

I don't get it. Why would it be illegal? You can sell your cards on Ebay for any price you determine. You could set up this exact system and sell it there (in fact someone did something like this about 5 years ago).

Heck, when I read this thread my first thought was ... IF I decide to sell any of the sets I own (not planning to right now), this would be a fun/efficient way to do it (versus listing cards individually or waiting for someone with deep enough pockets who needed my set showing up).

And even if they did make a profit ... good for them! Have you never sold a card at a profit before? What would be illegal about selling a card for a profit?

As far as I'm concerned, Leon and Nick desreve a profit if they do it ... because they put in the money and work. And Leon, as far as I'm concerned you would not need to donate your profit to charity (unless you wanted to of course).

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