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Old 07-26-2014, 06:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Exhibitman View Post
The timeline of events is most persuasive as far as I am concerned. Seems pretty clear that Saco had no intention of paying for the advertising unless/until it needed to pimp the next auction. I HATE doing business with auctioneers who take their sweet time paying consignors and sending out items, so I am not impressed by an AH that can't be bothered to pay a piddling bill for months on end; what does that say about that AH's attitude towards handling business transactions? Business should be conducted in a business-like manner.

I also agree 100% with not allowing an AH that doesn't have a banner to have a free run at pimping its services on the main page. That's just not right. When my partners and I were contemplating our first card show we did not think of pushing the show here without also advertising, and we were offering a free gathering for the N54 members to enjoy [sure as hell wasn't a money-maker...].
Troy has emailed saying I am wrong on some accounts. I told him to prove it and I will retract and publicly apologize. But I will be on the road again for the rest of the day in about an hour or two. He said I am crazy (I can agree with that) and he was on vacation for 3 weeks. He said he paid his bills. Unless Paypal is wrong I don't see it. For the record I had already blown off this 400 and was just chalking it up, until I saw his thread he posted. It really wasn't that big of a deal.....just another (though very first advertiser) non paying person in life. It wasn't worth my time.
Leon Luckey