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Old 06-15-2014, 10:26 AM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,114

Originally Posted by gregr2 View Post
LOL, I can't believe he told you that, seriously what is wrong with people...
whats wrong with people? They don't have a high school education and in case you haven't looked around, people are just generally stupid idiots. It filters down to autographs hard and fast. Haven't you noticed the amount of idiots per capita collecting and selling? Some of the dumbest people and biggest pond scum, s*** sucker losers that are scam artists collect and sell.

I can't believe I actually bought autographs. All I was trying to do was decorate my home office with a few knickknacks and it's turned into this

I can't wait to sell all this GARBAGE....Maybe if I have a slow month, but I don't forsee that happening. When you have a sliver of a brain, call customers back and do what you say your gonna do, it's amazing how the word spreads. All I have to do is stay one step ahead of legal morons...Not too hard, even for me
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