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Old 06-03-2014, 02:20 PM
MikeU MikeU is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 37

Originally Posted by bobfreedman View Post
As the owner of the company that was in charge of the new web site design, and an overhaul of the set registry, and the changes to the flip and about 20 other things, the time that took the longest and was the most difficult thing to do, were the changes to the flip. Now many of you who think it should have been easy and we should have be able to add a green border easily, really have no idea how difficult this truly was. They also should not claim to think they could have done it themselves just because they were able to add it in photoshop with no business requirements nor have any of the specifications to work from. Some of our tolerances were 1/32" of an inch, we also went through two different printers, we went through three different labels test runs (all of which were paid for), we designed four or five different labels and it took us about 8 months to complete. None of this mind you, is me complaining about this, it is me merely telling you that this was not an easy thing to do to say the least.

I realize I am opening myself to some ridicule here because no matter what I say, some of you will find fault. What SGC did was modernize their entire computer systems at a great cost to bring better customer service to everyone here. Now granted, we could have gotten more feedback from some of you but in all honesty, it would not have mattered because SGC wanted to get a 4th line on the flip in order to differentiate itself from its competitors and they should be applauded for it, because some of you think that you could have done it better or you were not consulted or whatever gripe you have with the new flip. SGC spent a lot of money to modernize the computer system and that is what should be the focus here, not a lack of a green border.

I will add that we are looking to see if we can add the border to the flip but that will take a while to do because as I had indicated, it is a very complex change.

Bob Freedman
Are you saying the set registry and population report changes are 100% complete?
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