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Old 05-15-2014, 01:36 PM
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Br.ent !ngr@m
Br.ent Ing@am
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Georgia
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I get tired of the Cobb bashing and the incident of beating a handicap man is always brought up. He may have been an a$$hole and I believe he was a racist. I don't believe he had the market cornered on bad traits. Al Stump did a number on him and it perpetuates the ill will toward him.

Facts are we really don't know all his views or all the bad and good things he may have done. I would wager we know more about the good stuff Babe Ruth did and less about the bad stuff Ruth did.

I am not saying because other people were bad it excuses Cobb. What I am saying is for the vast majority of MLBers, we do not know the level of jerks they were or are.

Elvis once sang "walk a mile in my shoes".

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