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Old 03-08-2014, 07:42 AM
Gr8Beldini Gr8Beldini is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 460

Originally Posted by NateMack View Post
Found mine at a card show a couple years ago in a stack of 66 cards. It was ex+ and I was super excited to find one. I handed it to the dealer and asked him how much. He looked it up in the Beckett and said, "books for $40, will you do $20?"
Needless to say, I couldn't get to my wallet quick enough!!
At least you were decent enough to pay without counter-offering off the $20. Reminds me of the time years back when I was in a baseball card store (remember those)? Will Clark rookies had just exploded and the price guides didn't reflect what they were selling for. Some doofus asked the kid behind the counter the price, which he quoted $2 each (book price, but the card was actually selling for $10-20 at the time). Instead of buying them all (about 50) and being happy with his very good fortune, the guy started harassing the kid for a better deal for all of them. Kid asks owner; owner kills the idea of selling any for $2. Buyer was outraged, exclaiming, "We had a deal!!!" I was happy to point out that there was no deal. Kid made an offer that the buyer refused.
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