Thread: priorities
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Old 02-01-2014, 09:33 AM
HexsHeroes HexsHeroes is offline
Vincent Hecksel
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lansing Michigan
Posts: 589

Originally Posted by thenavarro View Post
I'd buy the one, ten times out of ten times.
I hate to say it, but I think I am (generally) at the opposite end of the spectrum than Mike. The 10 items @ $500 a pop fits more closely my priority of obtaining as many of the names on my want list (at reasonable prices), versus a much more expensive name on that list. That said, the less expensive (obscure) items on my want list are not often available. So when an decent, expensive item makes itself available, I have to give it some seriously consideration. And for me, there is definitely a different degree of pride and accomplishment that comes from obtaining an expensive, show-piece item, versus a less expensive, obscure ballplayer autograph item. So I guess both strategies have a place in my collecting pursuit.
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