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Old 01-08-2014, 09:18 AM
Sean1125 Sean1125 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
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Originally Posted by Michael B View Post
Sean - Sorry, but you fall down on this. In court we call this hearsay. You claim not to be his friend or have any other connection to him other than as a consignor. Yet you seem to infer that you are well versed on his business practices and know that he is "too busy" to change a listing due to monetary concerns. Mouthpiece??????

I can remove a listing in about one minute, yes sixty seconds. It also takes that amount of time to change the category and adjust the title. From what I viewed of his set up at The National, where I was also a table holder, it was not a sole proprietorship but a multi-person operation. I am sure one of his minions/employees could be charged with making a correction in a listing and it would cost him only a few dollars in salary paid to that person. Just speculation on my part (disclosure), but if I was running an operation that was listing hundreds or thousands of items each week on ebay my time would be better spent on other facets of the business rather than tappety tapping on the computer keyboard listing items. I am a much smaller operation and do all of the work myself.

I actually respect the fact that you wish to defend him. Sometimes the best defense is silence. For yourself or others. I ask you, can you put a price on integrity and reputation? As I said in the other thread and one of my sign posts on the road to happiness:


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You are correct, it is nothing more than hearsay. But when he takes 4 months to actually list something and then doesn't even list it and ends up sending it back to me and it is several times the value of the auction in question - that is the determination I make.
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