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Old 11-15-2013, 01:05 PM
Gr8Beldini Gr8Beldini is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 460

I find the color pretty drab, particularly the earlier series cards. I do however like the '70's primarilary because they are my all-time favorite card backs. I love the Seattle Pilots wearing the uniforms, particularly the glitzy home uniforms. Disappointed in how drab and boring most of the Mets cards are with the exception of Cleon Jones and Nolan Ryan. Worst vintage Pete Rose card. I love the A's team card with Joe DiMaggio sitting in the front row, looking less-than-regal in the green uniform; Weird Sparky Anderson card wearing the airbrushed SD Padres uniform; Awsome Willie Mays and Harmon Killebrew cards.
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