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Old 11-14-2013, 02:02 PM
Volod Volod is offline
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Default Begs the question...

Originally Posted by paulcarek View Post
In my opinion, it's a not-so-special-looking card from a decidedly "meh" set. Yet I can't conceive of parting with my '54 Bowman Ted Williams because of its significance as an important card in the hobby.

What card/s are you holding onto despite your lack of passion for them?
Does that mean that the Williams card is the only - or one of only a few - that you have from the set? If so, it's understandable that you would consider letting it go, but as the key card in the set, why consider disposing of it if you keep the set? I guess, what you are asking seems to be is "since a lot of sets are somewhat unattractive, why hang on to the most valuable card in the set, when you could liquidate it?" Or, am I over-thinking this?
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