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Old 10-23-2013, 12:37 PM
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1880nonsports 1880nonsports is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
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Default I've sold nearly 10,000 items on eBay

The best sellers provide accurate pictures and descriptions which allows for maximum satisfaction for the buyer and maximum values for a moral and/or long term seller. In the early days I had to adjust hues and saturation as well as any number of things to insure that at least to me - with my monitor and with the card in hand - the card appeared on the net as it did to me in natural light. If I couldn't represent a fault - I took close-ups and made sure it was in my description. Working toward the goal of providing accurate pictures (and ease of use) - I went through quite a few scanners :-( The scanner I have been using of late is quite good (middle tier Cannon). Sometimes I adjust the DPI and I crop some pictures but that's it. I don't want my card to be seen by the buyer as better than my scans/description (yesh I left money on the table....) nor would I want to have the buyer getting a card that is below the quality represented by my pix and description. I want them to bid knowing exactly what they're getting - mirroring my own expectations when buying.
In the anonimity of cyberspace and more to the point eBay - the people who are looking to mis-represent - alter - and separate you from your money under false pretenses abound. If a seller intentionally juices their scans - I find it dishonest and I wouldn't trust giving them any business - as a scan is part of the description.
There are also honest and well meaning people who do a bad job at any of the requisite tasks involved in selling an item. I don't think auction houses are exempt from this. Some do a better job than others - I believe at least in the long run that will be reflected in their success and longevity (er um ah forget about CC for a second!). It's an imperfect world. Don't give your business to those people.................
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