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Old 10-21-2013, 12:20 PM
danmckee danmckee is offline
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Originally Posted by ScottFandango View Post
thanks for the response..

this seems to be happening more and more on EBAY...its becoming a place to showcase items, with no intention of selling them (thus very high prices)

I have thought that this is what many people use ebay for, but your are the first to admit it...

it has nothing to do with you, but I get frustrated weaving through all the overpriced BIN from people who only want to show them off..

ebay should make a new area that allows people to do this, like Zillow has "make me an offer I cant refuse"...that way it doesn't get into the same spot of things that actually are trying to be sold and clutter them up...

Oh I can completely sympathize with this statement. I have worked my way around this issue as a buyer by "blocking" certain sellers from my global searches.

There is a place on the advanced search when you are setting up a global search say like "T206", where you can list certain sellers to block.

There are a few sellers that list mainly mainstream pre-war cards and are very high in my opinion and the same stuff keeps popping up so I have these blocked on my searches.

To avoid my items you would just need to block darby-s as a seller.

I hope this helps

take care
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