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Old 10-07-2013, 08:38 PM
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thecatspajamas thecatspajamas is offline
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Originally Posted by Striker View Post
FYI I believe you can cancel an unclaimed payment while it is pending. I know I would do this until I verified the E-mail was correct with the seller and gotten a reasonable explanation.
That is correct, you can cancel an unclaimed payment. I have had it before where someone changes their e-mail and forgot that the old e-mail still showed for their contact: because they were no longer using the e-mail, they didn't see the notice that the payment had been sent to them. Usually not with sellers that are very active, or if they are new to eBay, they may not even realize that Paypal is a required payment option for every listing nowadays and is active by default.

I have also, on 1 occasion, bought something from someone who I am fairly sure died between when the auction started and when it ended. But let's hope that isn't the case.
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Last edited by thecatspajamas; 10-07-2013 at 08:41 PM.
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