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Old 09-15-2013, 10:39 PM
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Duluth Eskimo Duluth Eskimo is offline
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I always wondered the same thing. When I used to set up at shows, my booth at the Sun Times show was about 50 feet from the American Memorabilia booth. Every show I would see people wander in and make their way over to Victor's booth. I also used to see people I somewhat respected speaking to him. I would always think, what in the hell are they doing??? The guy is a crook. Why would people even speak to this guy? Then I would see some poor schlep showing him quality game worn (real no less) merchandise for consignment. It was mind boggling. Anyways, enough said.

One other thing. Am I the only one who think Mr Frost's post is a little patronizing? It seems like he thinks this is day one in the autograph community for some. I would consider this a pretty advanced crowd to come in to with this type of post. Maybe I am just blowing it out of proportion. Again, enough said.
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