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Old 08-16-2013, 07:38 AM
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Todd Schultz
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 3,780

Yes Wonka, reading comprehension has always been tough for me.

So allow me to review. Your first post, #7, makes it appear as if you don’t know it’s Frank Ward you’re criticizing “I do like how the guy named "FKW" announces that "he" was the person who outed Chan and the fake Old Mill Overprints on here to us "clowns" not Jim Rivera, Dan McKee and I”.

When Frank’s name pops up, you then let RC McKensie know “RC, I think you miss the point it was not Frank who outed the overprints as fake to this forum. Yet across the street he claims he was the one, not Jim, Dan and I.” Again make sure you get your name out there.

After I mention that Frank had stated his opinion about these being fakes five years ago you point me to a 2009 link saying he did so three days after you (post #27). Apparently you have some issues with how to count back five, so I actually quoted the 2008 post from Frank that apparently preceded yours by about nine months. Seems maybe Frank did mention it first. No matter, we’ve still now all got to see three more posts from you about your remarkable contribution.

So you next turn it to not who was first, but who did more. You start by saying “My point was for a guy who so easily was on top of these as fakes amazing he just waited around?” (Post #30) Yes I will admit that reading comprehension tests me here, as I struggle to understand what the hell that means. Apparently now Frank is blamed for not providing the in-depth, hard-hitting reporting that might entitle him to any credit--never mind that in his comment across the street he merely states that he first brought it to the board’s attention, not that he had created a mini-series on the subject. You then turn all collegial and discuss how these had always been discussed for years and Frank must have been part of that. If you would go back and read the thread I pointed out to you from 2008, you would see that Dan McKee responded by saying that he and his father had never heard of the red-bar Old Mill overprints until Frank mentioned them. Hmm, seems like just maybe Frank did bring something to the party here.

So far be it for me to suggest you are backpedaling, that you didn’t know who the hell you were talking about and then what the hell the subject was– I did get a refresher on your monumental contributions to the hobby, which is always worth the price of admission.
If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other. - Ulysses S. Grant, military commander, 18th US President.
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