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Old 07-05-2013, 06:06 AM
Jlighter Jlighter is offline
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Originally Posted by EvilKing00 View Post
well I guess that's possible, but in the past when public hangings, stonings, being burned at the stake actually happened, from all accounts it was a deterrent.

Watching a guy get hung isn't much of a blaze of glory, its not a firework show like a firing squad, or even climatic like a beheading, but rather unimpressive quiet and usually the guy swinging will soil him self. Rather undignified.
To address your first point, the data may have been a result of correlation and causation. I haven't seen any research on it, nor do I really feel like doing it.

As for your second point, typically a public hanging is a solemn event. But, I doubt a hanging in Time Square with Pay-Per-View could provide such an environment.

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