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Old 06-30-2013, 11:56 AM
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David McDonald
Join Date: May 2009
Location: British Siberia
Posts: 2,731

I spent an unforgettable day in Gettysburg following last year's Baltimore National in the company of Jay Wolt who gave me the Ten Thousand Dollar Battlefield & Eddie Plank Tour. Stopped for a burger and a Dr Pepper at Gettysburg Eddie's Restaurant, a tour highlight. The place is newish but the walls are replete with large photos (mostly repros but thoughtfully displayed) of deadballers. The waitresses were impressed that I could name them off one after the other. And I get a kick out of impressing waitresses. They're girls after all, and at my age cheap thrills are better than no thrills. But I digress. In my opinionated opinion a visit to Gettysburg should be on everybody's bucket list. Our nation was saved there; the place is profound with glory and haunted beauty. Gonna be rocking there this week.

Some reading material whilst pointing Percy at the porcelain.

My nifty souvenir t-shirt; the logo as seen on the storefront in second picture above is on the back.

This unlikely looking building was the site of Eddie's car dealership. There is a plaque out front attesting to the fact.
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