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Old 06-20-2013, 12:05 PM
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Default Good riddance, it's about time..

Originally Posted by HOF Auto Rookies View Post
I am truly disgusted and disturbed after what I had read in the other thread
I'm with you Brent, I was nearly livid after finishing last night's threads. That was some of the most hateful, distasteful, disgraceful, disgusting BS I've ever read.. at least for someone willing to permanently and publicly sign their name to it (too bad you couldn't edit quickly enough, eh Adrian?). This guy annoyed me, so I mostly just tried to ignore and not post in his threads. Those words last night could not be ignored. In my mind there is NO WAY he is a good guy who just has had some problems. Anyone who has it in them to say those things to another person is not a good guy... and further, anyone who broadcasts their misfortune(s) daily to justify crap behavior, or seek attention and sympathy from others, loses just about any empathy and/or sympathy I may have had otherwise.

Being bi-polar, OCD, depressed, or other is not excuse to do what you want, however and whenever you want... and this guy used his mental illness (whatever it was) as an excuse for everything. There are a handful of people in my life who in adulthood have been diagnosed as bi-polar, manic depressive, etc... even a very good friend, since passed away, who was diagnosed after college with schizophrenia, and not one of them brandished their problems daily in order to justify any crappy thing they ever did or said. They for the most part work(worked) to live day by day and keep plugging away at life in spite of their problems.

That said, here's some cards-

E121 Babe Ruth.jpgT202 Tinker Evers Chance.jpg
1959 Menko Doyusha Sadaharu Oh.jpgE95 Ty Cobb N54 Cy's Cards.jpg
iPhone pictures backed up July 26 867.jpg

Last edited by itjclarke; 06-20-2013 at 12:11 PM.
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