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Old 06-20-2013, 09:58 AM
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Originally Posted by camlov2 View Post
Another ebay question- (didn't want to clutter the front page with another ebay thread, hope no one minds since this issue seems to be fixed)

I look at completed listings to check prices frequently, there used to be a choice where you could select only the items that have sold. Does anyone know of a way to still do that?
They've been moving it around, sometimes directly under the search window, sometimes in the Advanced search link, and the last few times I've used it I found it on the left hand side of the page under the header "Show Only" (right above "Show More Refinements"). My understanding is that they've been trying out different locations for it, and you just kind of get a random "experience" every time you do a search. Since it's been pretty consistent for me the last few days, maybe they've finally docked it on the left-hand side for good...?
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