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Old 06-05-2013, 03:13 PM
SteveMitchell SteveMitchell is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 277
Default Confusing...

My system (which is merely the way a cross country meet is/was scored) isn't perfected (yet). Like most baseball cranks, sometimes my opinion overrides even the best of systems.

I do agree with you, however, in your second paragraph with regard to the fact that one player (even great players like these center-fielders) cannot carry a whole team. And, quite possibly, any one of them might have been inserted in place of another with similar team results.

Originally Posted by oldjudge View Post
Steve--I'm confused by your last statement. You clearly rank DiMaggio as the best hitting centerfielder ever. He was not just a good fielder, he was a great fielder. If he beat Mays by a decent margin on offense there is no way that Mays catches him based on defense. Mays MAY have been slightly better on defense, but DiMaggio was one of the greatest fielding centerfielders of his era.

BTW, I don't think championships mean much when ranking players. Baseball is a team game, one guy can't carry the team. Mantle on Mays' Giants don't win any more pennants than the Giants did; they may win less. Similarly, Mays replacing Mantle on the Yankees (which would have made him the first Black Yankee--they didn't rush out to sign Black ball players) would have not cost them any pennants. Might have won them an extra World Series too.
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