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Old 06-03-2013, 10:55 AM
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oldjudge oldjudge is offline
j'a'y mi.ll.e.r
Join Date: May 2009
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It wasn't so much that Mantle didn't take care of himself; the problem was he tore up his knee early in his career on a sprinkler head (I believe) in the outfield at Yankee Stadium and he was never the same player again. He used to have his knee taped for every game thereafter and many times the bandage were bloody when the game was over. I saw most of Mantle's and Mays' careers so I can answer Ted's question. I was a rabid Yankee fan, but I never thought that Mantle was a clutch player. The guys you could rely on in a close game were Berra, Skowron and Richardson. Mantle was a good, not a great fielder. In fact, later in his career he was taken out in later innings for defensive purposes and replaced by Jack Reed. Mays was a terror to play against. When he got on the bases he was a big distraction to pitchers. However, when I watched him play, I never thought of him as an all time great. He was a very good hitter who played a long time and put up some big numbers.Getting back to Mantle, I can tell you that throughout his career in NY there was never any question in fan's minds who was a better centerfielder, Mantle or DiMaggio. Everyone I knew who had seen both play thought DiMaggio was better. Every all time all star team I ever saw put together through the 1970s always had the outfield of Ruth, Cobb and DiMaggio. Somehow, people who have never seen these players play have decided to somehow downgrade DiMaggio. I think this is a mistake.
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