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Old 05-08-2013, 11:29 PM
VintageGamerN00b VintageGamerN00b is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 89

He definitely wasn't selling it off out of need, nor do I think he valued it the same way you or I do. I got the sense that he had so much of that kind of stuff laying around that he didn't even think twice about it. He's really busy--he's still working, the family's moving, he has to take his kids all over the city to do their stuff like any family man--it would be the same as one of us selling an old set of golf clubs because we're tired of not having room in the garage. Plus the profits went to his charity. It was one of those super lucky situations where he got rid of (what he sees as) some clutter and got to collect some $ for his charity, and I got a keepsake that I really value.