Thread: R E Question
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Old 05-02-2013, 08:38 AM
jetsticks jetsticks is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 15

BigJJ, Runscott, Big Dave, and David.......Thanks for providing me some sound advice and words of wisdom. I am not a collector per se, but have held on to these for decades and just don't want to see them not go for what they could be worth based on someone's negativity. I have come to the conclusion that IF I do entertain the idea of selling them again, I will be more prudent and probably sell them one at a time. When I pulled them (Yes...I did, not Rob) they were worth nearly 30K. I would hope that would let some people on here know that it wasn't the money, it was how things transpired and the mistrust that forced me to do this. Yes, I could have left them on there and collected a nice check, but that is not me. I am one of the most honest people anyone would ever meet and if there was cause and concern that they were not real then I did not want to be part of a scam.

All I've ever asked for was help in proving they were real as in my heart, I know they are. You'd have to know me and the 90 year old to base your judgments on us. The Honus Wagner was very hard to part with and it has had the highest bids. Maybe I'll start with him first. Thanks again!
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