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Old 04-14-2013, 07:26 AM
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Rick McQuillan
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 3,178
Default Bidding

I know some of you (many of you) think this thread is pointless, but as a buyer and a seller I enjoy the threads that discuss bidding habits, sniping, and closing auctions early. These threads give me some insight which may help me receive higher prices for the items I am selling and they may help me save some money on purchasing.

If a lot of people feel the way that Craig does, which is no bidding until the last few minutes of an auction, then that may support letting your ebay auctions run until the end even if you receive some decent offers to end an auction early.

This is the same reason that I enjoy Pawn Stars, Auction Kings, etc., because I can improve my negotiation skills and bidding skills from watching these shows. In fact, one of the guys that I have purchased many collections from told me the other day, "Don't go all Pawn Stars on me when you counter offer".

As far as the sniping goes, sometimes I will put in my max bids several days in advance and that is as far as I will go. I don't use a sniping service. The sniper still has to set their max snipe above my max price, and if I get sniped, that is OK because the sniper was willing to pay more than I will. If you let an auction sit at 99 cents for too long you might get several bidders involved who wouldn't be bidding if if the item was already bid up to $20. Then you get into Tony's scenario, where several bidders jumped in when the price was low and now their manhood is at stake and they don't want to lose.

It does seem that some of the newer members are making way too many pointless threads but I am enjoying this one.
Rick McQuillan

T213-2 139 down 46 to go.
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