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Old 04-13-2013, 11:31 AM
Jlighter Jlighter is offline
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Originally Posted by markf31 View Post
So REA turns the consignor away and refuses to accept the card under the suspicion that the card is altered, what do you think the consignor will do next? Its entirely possible, and one could argue almost probably, that the consignor takes the card to another AH who is not as diligent, forthcoming and honest as REA where the card gets offered without any mention in the auction listing to the fact the card has possibly been trimmed.
I believe that some people are upset about REA delaying the inevitable. It would not surprise me if in 6 Months we saw some of these cards for sale at another AH without a "trimmed" disclaimer.

I guess then the question is: What duty does a AH have in keeping the hobby clean?

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