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Old 04-13-2013, 08:08 AM
GehrigFan GehrigFan is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 816
Default Saw it, Loved it.

Like many others, I saw 42 last night, and brought two friends and even my wife, and everyone enjoyed it. One guy already asked if we could go again.

I was hoping for a little more on his playing days in the Negro Leagues, but I understand that would have been a rabbit trail from the point of the movie, which was his integration into baseball.

One question, I was left unsure of Branch Rickey - what is commonly believed to be the reason he made the decision to integrate? Was it money, love of the game, a chance to leave a lasting impression on the game, truly a desire to de-segregate, etc.? The movie made him out to be a really good guy but I don't know what the real Rickey was like.
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